• The Female Body Bible

The Female Body Bible

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₹ 749.25 ₹ 999.00 25.0%

ISBN : 9781787636194
Publisher : Bantam Press
Author : baz moffat
Binding : Paperback
Weight : 0.58 (in KGs)
Category : General
Sub Category : Self Help
Sub Sub Category : N/A
Sub Category 2 : N/A

Merging the latest science with the combined experience of its three expert authors: NHS doctor Bella Smith, sports research scientist Dr Emma Ross and athletic coach Baz Moffat, The Female Body Bible busts the myths and taboos that persist around women's bodies. This isn't just a book, it's a movement - a call to action. Every woman deserves to know more about her body and everyone, regardless of their sex, needs to know more about women's bodies to remove the vestiges of secrecy and shame once and for all. This is the playbook of all the elements that go into getting the most out of your body, and a selection of strategies that you can try to find out what works for you and your incredible body. Instead of prioritising how a body looks, we need to focus on how it feels and functions. When we listen to our body, understand how it works and embrace and nurture it, health, fitness and happiness will follow.

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