• Saga 1

Saga 1

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₹ 328.00 ₹ 410.00 20.0%

ISBN : 9789332579576
Publisher : Pearson Education;
Author : Nita Ganguly
Binding : Paperback
Weight : 0.28 (in KGs)
Category : Academics
Sub Category : CBSE
Sub Sub Category : Social Studies
Sub Category 2 : CLASS 1

With ‘learning without burden’ as the philosophy driving the series, Active Teach Saga for classes I to 5 is a unique amalgamation of the traditional teaching method of storytelling and a modern approach to content. The series focuses on experiential and activity-based learning and gives learner the opportunity to learn better at their own pace, in their own way. It aims to make learners proficient in the domain of social sciences by nurturing multiple skills, values and perspectives that guide them to be sensible individuals and citizens of society. The content is aligned to the National Curriculum Framework. FeaturesTable of Contents Unit I1. Knowing Myself 2. Parts of My Body3. My FamilyMy Saga: My Family Tree4. My ClassroomUnit II5. My House6. My Neighbourhood7. People Who Help UsSaga: Early Human Beings 8. Animals, Our FriendsTest Paper IUnit III9. Being Good10. Clean and Healthy11. Staying SafeUnit IV12. We CelebrateSaga: Our India13. Dressing UpSaga: Our BapuTest Paper II.

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