• Introductory Macroeconomics For Class 12 | Cbse (ncert Solved) | Examination 2024-25 | By Tr Jain & Vk Ohri

Introductory Macroeconomics For Class 12 | Cbse (ncert Solved) | Examination 2024-25 | By Tr Jain & Vk Ohri

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₹ 482.40 ₹ 603.00 20.0%

ISBN : 9789356122109
Publisher : VK Global Publications Pvt. Ltd.
Author : Vk Ohri T.r. Jain
Binding : Paperback
Weight : 0.40 (in KGs)
Category : Academics
Sub Category : CBSE
Sub Sub Category : Accounting Coursebook
Sub Category 2 : CLASS 12

“Generational Edge to the Same Fundamental Ideas” This book is in tune with the New and Forward-Looking Vision of NEP 2020 and the curriculum guidelines issued by the CBSE Board which emphasize skill enrichment, vocational & intellectual thinking, scientific temper, competency-based learning, and creativity. Key Highlights of the Textbook: 1. Synchronous with the latest CBSE syllabus. 2. Brain Teaser Blocks gauge analytical and interpretation-based skills. 3. Test Your Understanding Blocks recapitulate and test the conceptual understanding. 4. ‘Tackling’ blocks: ‘Basic Numericals have been incorporated to provide the required hand-holding to our budding economists. 5. All new typologies of questions (Image/Data interpretation, defend and refute type questions, etc.) have been incorporated in each chapter. 6. Categorisation and sub-classification of numerical has been done for the convenience of our readers. (100+ numericals included.) 7. Incorporation of Previous Year Paper Questions by CBSE. 8. Sample Paper By “VK Global Study Group”: A specimen paper woven along the same structure and blueprint as suggested in the CBSE-released Sample Question Paper-2024

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