• Susanna's Granthapura

Susanna's Granthapura

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₹ 374.25 ₹ 499.00 25.0%

ISBN : 9780670096619
Publisher : Viking
Author : ajai p. mangattu
Binding : Hard Cover
Weight : 0.30 (in KGs)
Category : General
Sub Category : Fiction
Sub Sub Category : N/A
Sub Category 2 : N/A

Why does the usually aloof and reticent Paul suddenly want to meet Ali after Susanna's death? Why does the possibility of an unfinished manuscript by a longforgotten writer fascinate Ali and Abhi to the extent that they undertake a journey to Marayoor, a town deep in the heart of Kerala to meet the unknown Susanna? First published in Malayalam in 2019, Susanna's Granthapura is Ajai Mangattu's uniquely crafted novel that celebrates the strong bonds that form between people who share a love of reading and of books.

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