• Ronny Rock Starring In A Thousand Tiny Explosions

Ronny Rock Starring In A Thousand Tiny Explosions

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ISBN : 9781406331578
Publisher : Walker Books
Author : merryn threadgould
Binding : Hardback
Weight : 0.31 (in KGs)
Category : UK Books
Sub Category : Children's & Young Adult
Sub Sub Category : N/A
Sub Category 2 : N/A

Ronny Rock is a very, very lucky boy. Why is he lucky? Because he lives with his dad, Rock the Baker, and this bakery is one of the most exciting places on the high street, if not the world! It's National Take Your Child to Work Day and Ronny gets to spend the whole day with Rock the Baker, his dad, and he LOVES IT! Just like his dad, Ronny is constantly dreaming up adventurous new cake ideas – like Exploding Frog Cakes and Jampillows – and now Ronny has a chance to test drive his latest invention: Chocolate Suddenlys. But these are no ordinary cakes ... with a top secret ingredient of Boing Bustas, these cakes make you shout BOOGIE WOOGIE! HOT POTATO! and HAMMERTIME!; they make your eyes go purple and your hair start dancing! Will everyone be able to handle these crazy new cakes or will the bakery ... GO LOCO?!

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