• Mindful Parenting:the First 1,000 Days

Mindful Parenting:the First 1,000 Days

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ISBN : 9789352641796
Publisher : Harper Collins
Author : Suchitra Shenoy
Binding : Paperback
Weight : 0.17 (in KGs)
Category : General
Sub Category : N/A
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What do I do?' - every first-time parent's constant question - is a pressing one nowadays. But no book on parenting can be definitive or cover the ground exhaustively. All it can do is share stories and hope to offer lessons through common experiences. Suchitra Shenoy has much to share from all that she found helpful in her own 1,000 days - from pregnancy to when her newborn turned two - in Mindful Parenting. It draws on her experience and personal research to answer some common questions: What should you know during your pregnancy? What are the signs of hunger in an infant? What are the ideal positions for breastfeeding? And that most desperate of all: can my newborn recognize me? As any new parent will testify, the first 1,000 days are filled with aching backs, sleepless nights and stinky diapers, but they are also blessed with giggles, unbounded love and the joy of giving. Mindful Parenting will help you embrace it for what it is.

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