• Mathswiz Book 5

Mathswiz Book 5

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₹ 492.00 ₹ 615.00 20.0%

ISBN : 9789385401213
Publisher : S.CHAND
Author : anubhuti gangal
Binding : Paperback
Weight : 0.62 (in KGs)
Category : Academics
Sub Category : CBSE
Sub Sub Category : MATHS
Sub Category 2 : CLASS 5

MathsWiz, a series of nine textbooks for KG to Class 8, is a course based on the National Curriculum Framework and the guidelines provided therein. The content is student-centred and activity-based, laying the utmost emphasis on developing problem-solving skills and encouraging the child to think creatively and work independently.Key Features :1. Warm Up for refreshing the concepts learnt earlier.2. Worksheets provide interactive and application-based activities.3. Extensive drilling, including Class Work, MCQs, with an integrated Chapter Test in each chapter.4. Term-wise Model Test Papers for better evaluation.5. Maths Lab Activities, Fun Activities, Projects, etc. facilitate hands-on learning. 6. Mental Maths to sharpen the mathematical skills.7. Higher Order Thinking Skills involves the learning of complex judgemental skills.8. Enrichment provides facts and encourages to think creatively.9. Available on request is an interactive CD for each class to help concept-building by showing their application in daily life. The CD also supplements the book content through visuals, interactive practice and additional information.

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