Longman Value Education 10

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ISBN : 9789332555464
Publisher : Pearson Education; First Edition
Author : G. Balasubramanian
Binding : Paperback
Weight : 0.10 (in KGs)
Category : Academics
Sub Category : CBSE
Sub Sub Category : Text Book
Sub Category 2 : CLASS 10

Longman Value Education for classes 9 and 10 is a series which aims to inculcate the basic values and Life Skills in the learners for their holistic development. It aims to make them accountable for their actions and interactions. The pedagogical elements are framed to develop the knowledge, values and attitudes necessary to become better and responsible people. The curriculum follows the guidelines of the National Curriculum Framework 2005. It adheres to the topics outlined by the NCERT to build a strong foundation in values and Life Skills from an early age. Language is well-graded to help students understand the content of the lessons Vibrant illustrations complement the text and build the interest of the learners Every chapter begins with a Warm-up, which outlines the concept of the lesson Exercises are based on the chapter to evaluate the understanding of the students Discussion Time encourages students to interact with each other and discuss their views on a given topic Think and answer engages students to introspect through thought-provoking questions Learning Further encourages students to read further about a given topic Blog It helps to develop the writing skills of students Project Work includes fun learning activities, which complement the value imparted in a lesson Life Skills encourages students to think critically about practical situations Self-Assessment includes statements which are analysed by the students to assess themselves Value Store recapitulates the value/values explored in a lesson Teacher's Notes at the end of every chapter provides suggestions and guidelines for effective teaching and learning a consolidated Glossary will help students to build their vocabulary.

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