• Drill Lessons In Mental Arithmetic Bk 3

Drill Lessons In Mental Arithmetic Bk 3

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₹ 244.00 ₹ 305.00 20.0%

ISBN : 9789352831609
Publisher : S.CHAND
Author : k.k dubey
Binding : Paperback
Weight : 0.20 (in KGs)
Category : Academics
Sub Category : CBSE
Sub Sub Category : Mental Maths
Sub Category 2 : CLASS 3

The book covers the syllabus prescribed by the NCERT and it goes beyond to assist the child to make meaningful interaction with the syllabus. Designed to address open-ended problems, multi-answer problems, supportive to revision practices, skills of reasoning and logical thinking deductively and inductively, intuitively guessing the solution of problems, visiting and revisiting concepts.

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