• 101 Animal Stories With Moral (new Edition)

101 Animal Stories With Moral (new Edition)

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₹ 117.00 ₹ 180.00 35.0%

ISBN : 9789387971448
Publisher : N/A
Author : dreamland publications
Binding : Paperback
Weight : 0.32 (in KGs)
Category : Childrens
Sub Category : Children's & Young Adult
Sub Sub Category : ENGLISH
Sub Category 2 : N/A

Moral stories are a great source to educate listeners, especially young children, as to how to respond to life situations. Children who read or listen to the stories understand more complex issues easily. They even enjoy these stories a lot when they find the animals having human-like characteristics: they wear clothes, they talk, have feelings, etc. ‘101 Animal Moral Stories’ is a compilation of the best stories that impart life lessons in a fun amusing way.

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