• Farmer Clegg's Night Out

Farmer Clegg's Night Out

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₹ 490.75 ₹ 755.00 35.0%

ISBN : 9781529016086
Publisher : Macmillan Children's Books
Author : Peter Bently
Binding : Paperback
Weight : 0.17 (in KGs)
Category : UK Books
Sub Category : Children's & Young Adult
Sub Sub Category : N/A
Sub Category 2 : N/A

Then Buttercup Jersey, the moonwalking cow, caused cries of 'Incredible!', 'Knockout!' and 'Wow!' She glided and twisted and then did the splits. It was utterly stunning. They loved her to bits! Old Farmer Clegg may be tucked up for the night, but down in the farmyard, a talent show is about to take place. Who has what it takes to be a star? The break-dancing cow? The honky-tonk geese? Meg, the egg-laying, Mozart-singing hen? Or maybe a certain sleep-walking farmer...

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